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big-league — /big leeg /, adj. 1. Sports. of or belonging to a major league: a big league pitcher. 2. Informal. among the largest, foremost, etc., of its kind: the big league steel companies. [1895 1900; adj. use of BIG LEAGUE] * * * … Universalium
big league — big′ league′ n. 1) spo major league 1), major league 2) 2) cvb Often, big leagues. the area of greatest competition, highest achievement or rewards, etc • Etymology: 1895–1900 big′ league′, adj. big′ lea′guer, n … From formal English to slang
big-league — /big leeg /, adj. 1. Sports. of or belonging to a major league: a big league pitcher. 2. Informal. among the largest, foremost, etc., of its kind: the big league steel companies. [1895 1900; adj. use of BIG LEAGUE] … Useful english dictionary
Big League — is the official magazine of the National Rugby League and that of the NRL s forerunners, the New South Wales Rugby League and Australian Rugby League competitions. Its predecessor, The Rugby League News was first published in 1920; in 1974 it was … Wikipedia
big-league — ˈbig league adjective [only before a noun] another word for major league: • big league sponsors in motor racing such as Marlboro and Budweiser … Financial and business terms
big league — [adj] important big time, chief, critical, crucial, exceptional, four star, frontpage*, grave, great, heavy, high power, major league, playing hard ball*, professional, serious, strictly business; concepts 567,568 … New thesaurus
big-league — ☆ big league [big′lēg′ ] adj. [after the big (i.e., major) leagues in professional baseball] Informal of or at the highest level in one s profession or field of activity … English World dictionary
big league — 1. n. a situation where competition is keen and a high level of performance is expected. (Usually plural. Referred originally to major league sports.) □ In the big leagues you’ve got to know what you’re worth. □ You’re in the big leagues now no… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
big league — noun Date: 1899 1. major league 2. big time 2 often used in plural • big league adjective • big leaguer noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
big league — /ˈbɪg lig/ (say big leeg) noun 1. US Sport a professional baseball league. 2. the area of greatest competition, achievement, excitement, etc., in any field. –phrase 3. be in (or play) the big league, to be among the best in any field of endeavour …
big league — 1. Sports. See major league. 2. Often, big leagues. Informal. the area of greatest competition, highest achievement or rewards, etc.: He s a local politician who isn t ready for the big league. [1895 1900] * * * … Universalium