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Deliriant — De*lir i*ant, n. [See {Delirium}.] (Med.) A poison which occasions a persistent delirium, or mental aberration (as belladonna). [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Deliriant — The deliriants (or anticholinergics) are a special class of acetylcholine inhibitor hallucinogen. The term was introduced by David F. Duncan and Robert S. Gold to distinguish these drugs from psychedelics, such as LSD, due to their primary effect … Wikipedia
deliriant — Also known as true hallucinogen and anticholinergic hallucinogen. The term deliriant comes from the Latin verb delirare, which means to go off the furrow, to derail. It is used to denote a subclass of the hallucinogens characterized by the… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
deliriant — de·lir·i·ant di lir ē ənt adj producing or tending to produce delirium deliriant n a deliriant agent * * * de·lir·i·ant (də lērґe ənt) 1. capable of producing delirium. 2. a drug which may produce delirium. a delirious person … Medical dictionary
deliriant — I. də̇ˈlirēənt, dēˈ adjective Etymology: delirium + ant : producing or tending to produce delirium II. noun ( s) : a deliriant agent … Useful english dictionary
deliriant — /di lear ee euhnt/, adj. 1. involving or causing delirium. n. 2. a substance, as a compound or drug, that causes delirium. [1880 85; DELIRI(UM) + ANT] * * * … Universalium
deliriant — adj. of or pertaining to delirium, causing delirium (temporary mental disorder) … English contemporary dictionary
deliriant — de·lir·i·ant … English syllables
Psychedelic drug — Psychedelic drugs are psychoactive drugs whose primary action is to alter the thought processes of the brain and perception of the mind. The term is derived from the Greek words ψυχή ( psyche , mind ) and δηλείν ( delein , to manifest ),… … Wikipedia
de|lir|i|ant — «dih LIHR ee uhnt», adjective, noun. –adj. causing delirium: »a deliriant drug. –n. a deliriant agent or drug: »Hashish is a deliriant … Useful english dictionary