Small Computer Systems Interface
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Small Computer Systems Interface — ➔ SCSI * * * Small Computer Systems Interface UK US noun [C] IT ► SCSI(Cf. ↑SCSI) … Financial and business terms
Small computer system Interface — Connecteurs SCSI 25 50 broches (à gauche, le connecteur 50 broches) SCSI, Small Computer System Interface en anglais, est un standard définissant un bus informatique permettant de relier un ordinateur à des périphériques ou bien même à un autre… … Wikipédia en Français
Small Computer System Interface — Das Small Computer System Interface (SCSI, manchmal gesprochen [ˈskʌzi]) ist ursprünglich als eine standardisierte parallele Schnittstelle für die Verbindung und Datenübertragung zwischen Peripheriegeräten und dem Computer Bus entstanden. Im… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Small Computer System Interface — Symbole du SCSI Connecteurs SCSI 25 50 broches (à gauche, le connecteur 50 broches) SCSI, Sm … Wikipédia en Français
Internet Small Computer System Interface — iSCSI (internet SCSI) est un protocole de la couche application permettant le transport de commandes SCSI sur un réseau TCP/IP. Sommaire 1 Principales caractéristiques 2 Historique 2.1 iSCSI Software initiator … Wikipédia en Français
computer — computerlike, adj. /keuhm pyooh teuhr/, n. 1. Also called processor. an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Cf. analog… … Universalium
AT&T Computer Systems — is the generic name for American Telephone Telegraph s unsuccessful attempt to compete in the computer business. In return for divesting the local Bell Operating Companies (Baby Bells), AT T was allowed to have an unregulated division to sell… … Wikipedia
Tangerine Computer Systems — For the Atmos Clock, see Atmos clock. British microcomputer company Tangerine Computer Systems[1] was founded in 1979 by Dr. Paul Johnson, Mark Rainer and Nigel Penton Tilbury in St. Ives, Cambridgeshire The very first product was the successful… … Wikipedia
Interface — Die Schnittstelle oder das Interface [ˈɪntɚfeɪs] (englisch „Grenzfläche“) ist der Teil eines Systems, der der Kommunikation dient. Der Begriff stammt ursprünglich aus der Naturwissenschaft und bezeichnet die physikalische Phasengrenze zweier… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Computer hardware — Typical PC hardware= A typical personal computer consists of a case or chassis in a tower shape (desktop) and the following parts:Motherboard* Motherboard It is the body or mainframe of the computer, through which all other components interface.… … Wikipedia