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proprioceptive — [prō΄prē ə sep′tiv] adj. [< L proprius, one s own + (RE)CEPTIVE] designating or of stimuli produced in body tissues, as the muscles or tendons, and received there by the proprioceptors … English World dictionary
proprioceptive — adjective Etymology: Latin proprius own + English ceptive (as in receptive) Date: 1906 of, relating to, or being stimuli arising within the organism < a proprioceptive sensation > < proprioceptive feedback > … New Collegiate Dictionary
proprioceptive — Capable of receiving stimuli originating in muscles, tendons, and other internal tissues. [L. proprius, one s own, + capio, to take] * * * pro·prio·cep·tive sep tiv adj activated by, relating to, or being stimuli arising within the organism… … Medical dictionary
proprioceptive — ● proprioceptif, proprioceptive adjectif (de propre et réceptif) Se dit de la sensibilité du système nerveux aux informations sur les postures et les mouvements, venant des muscles et des articulations … Encyclopédie Universelle
proprioceptive sense — noun The sense of muscular position • • • Main Entry: ↑proprioceptive … Useful english dictionary
proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation — n a method of stretching muscles to maximize their flexibility that is often performed with a partner or trainer and that involves a series of contractions and relaxations with enforced stretching during the relaxation phase abbr. PNF * * * a… … Medical dictionary
Proprioceptive Language Learning Method — The Proprioceptive Language Learning Method (Proprioceptive Method) is a method of language learning which emphasizes simultaneous development of cognitive, motor, neurological, and hearing as all being part of a comprehensive language learning… … Wikipedia
proprioceptive hallucination — Also referred to as hallucination of posture. The term proprioception comes from the Latin words proprius (own) and percipere (to perceive). It translates loosely as perceiving one s own [position] . The term proprioception was coined in 1906… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
proprioceptive — /proh pree euh sep tiv/, adj. Physiol. pertaining to proprioceptors, the stimuli acting upon them, or the nerve impulses initiated by them. [1905 10; PROPRIO + (RE)CEPTIVE] * * * … Universalium
proprioceptive — prəʊprɪə septɪv adj. of the reception of information about body position and movement by the sensory systems … English contemporary dictionary