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Haggis — is a traditional Scottish dish.There are many recipes, most of which have in common the following ingredients: sheep s pluck (heart, liver and lungs), minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and traditionally boiled… … Wikipedia
Haggis — Assiette de Haggis Le haggis, parfois plus connu en France … Wikipédia en Français
Haggis — auf der Servierplatte Haggis ist eine Spezialität aus der Schottischen Küche und besteht aus dem Magen eines Schafes, paunch genannt, der mit Herz, Leber, Lunge, Nierenfett vom Schaf, Zwiebeln und Hafermehl gefüllt wird. Haggis ist mit Pfeffer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Haggis — pequeño sin cocinar … Wikipedia Español
haggis — [ agis ] n. m. • 1960; de l angl. médiév. hagas « sorte de pudding » ♦ Cuis. Plat traditionnel anglais et écossais, à base d abats de mouton (ou de veau) et d avoine, bouillis dans l estomac de l animal. haggis [aʒi] n. m. ÉTYM. 1952, in Höfler;… … Encyclopédie Universelle
*haggis — ● haggis nom masculin (anglais haggis) Panse de mouton farcie avec la fressure de l animal, hachée avec du gruau d avoine et de la graisse de mouton, pochée à l eau. (Plat traditionnel écossais.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
haggis — HÁGGIS s. n. mâncare naţională scoţiană asemănătoare cu drobul de miel. (< fr. haggis) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Haggis — Hag gis ( g[i^]s), n. [Scot. hag to hack, chop, E. hack. Formed, perhaps, in imitation of the F. hachis (E. hash), fr. hacher.] A Scotch pudding made of the heart, liver, lights, etc., of a sheep or lamb, minced with suet, onions, oatmeal, etc.,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
haggis — (n.) dish of chopped entrails, c.1400, now chiefly Scottish, but it was common throughout Middle English, perhaps from O.Fr. agace magpie, on analogy of the odds and ends the bird collects. The other theory [Klein, Watkins] traces it to O.E.… … Etymology dictionary
haggis — ► NOUN (pl. same) ▪ a Scottish dish consisting of seasoned sheep s or calf s offal mixed with suet and oatmeal, boiled in a bag traditionally made from the animal s stomach. ORIGIN probably from earlier hag hack, hew , from Old Norse … English terms dictionary
haggis — [hag′is] n. [ME hagas, kind of pudding < ? haggen, HAG2] a Scottish dish made of the lungs, heart, etc. of a sheep or calf, mixed with suet, seasoning, and oatmeal and boiled in the animal s stomach … English World dictionary