- restitutive
Of or pertaining to restitution; tending to restore to a previous state.
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restitutive — index compensatory, medicinal, remedial Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
restitutive — restitution ► NOUN 1) the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner. 2) recompense for injury or loss. 3) the restoration of something to its original state. DERIVATIVES restitutive adjective. ORIGIN Latin, from restituere… … English terms dictionary
restitutive — Synonyms and related words: analeptic, apologetic, ascetic, atoning, cleansing, compensational, compensatory, curative, expiatory, indemnificatory, lustral, lustrational, lustrative, penitential, piacular, propitiatory, punitive, purgative,… … Moby Thesaurus
restitutive — adj. compensative, remunerative, serving to reimburse, serving to make reparations … English contemporary dictionary
restitutive — res·ti·tu·tive … English syllables
restitutive — ˈrestəˌtüd.iv, stə.ˌtyü adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin restitutivus, from Latin restitutus (past participle of restituere to restore) + ivus ive more at restitution : constituting or tending toward restitution … Useful english dictionary
restitution — restitutive, restitutory /res ti tooh teuh ree, tyooh /, adj. /res ti tooh sheuhn, tyooh /, n. 1. reparation made by giving an equivalent or compensation for loss, damage, or injury caused; indemnification. 2. the restoration of property or… … Universalium
Dynamic Density — In sociology, dynamic density refers to the combination of two things: population density and the amount of social interaction within that population. Context Dynamic density is a key component in Emile Durkheim’s theory of modernization. In his… … Wikipedia
Dynamic density — In sociology, dynamic density refers to the combination of two things: population density and the amount of social interaction within that population. Contents 1 Context 2 Critiques 3 See also … Wikipedia
Sociology of law — refers to both a sub discipline of sociology and an approach within the field of legal studies. Sociology of law is a diverse field of study which examines the interaction of law with other aspects of society, such as the effect of legal… … Wikipedia