
noun /æ.pə.θi/
Complete lack of emotion or motivation about a person, activity, or object; depression; lack of interest or enthusiasm; disinterest.

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  • Apathy — Ap a*thy, n.; pl. {Apathies}. [L. apathia, Gr. ?; a priv. + ?, fr. ?, ?, to suffer: cf. F. apathie. See {Pathos}.] Want of feeling; privation of passion, emotion, or excitement; dispassion; applied either to the body or the mind. As applied to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Apathy — ist der Name folgender Personen: Peter Apathy (* 1948), österreichischer Jurist und Hochschullehrer Apathy (Rapper) (* 1979), US amerikanischer Rapper Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demse …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • apathy — index disinterest (lack of interest), indifference, inertia, languor, laxity, sloth Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burto …   Law dictionary

  • apathy — (n.) c.1600, freedom from suffering, from Fr. apathie (16c.), from L. apathia, from Gk. apatheia freedom from suffering, impassability, want of sensation, from apathes without feeling, without suffering or having suffered, from a without (see A… …   Etymology dictionary

  • apathy — phlegm, stolidity, impassivity, impassiveness, stoicism (see under IMPASSIVE) Analogous words: inertness, inactivity, passiveness, supineness (see corresponding adjectives at INACTIVE): indifference, unconcern, aloofness, detachment (see… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • apathy — [n] uncaring attitude, lack of interest aloofness, coldness, coolness, detachment, disinterest, dispassion, disregard, dullness, emotionlessness, halfheartedness, heedlessness, indifference, insensibility, insensitivity, insouciance, lassitude,… …   New thesaurus

  • apathy — ► NOUN ▪ lack of interest or enthusiasm. ORIGIN Greek apatheia, from apath s without feeling …   English terms dictionary

  • apathy — [ap′ə thē] n. pl. apathies [Fr apathie < L apathia < Gr apatheia < a , without + pathos, emotion: see PATHOS] 1. lack of emotion 2. lack of interest; listless condition; unconcern; indifference …   English World dictionary

  • Apathy — For other uses, see Apathy (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • apathy — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ general, widespread ▪ political, public, voter VERB + APATHY ▪ suffer from ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • apathy — n. 1) to feel; show apathy towards 2) to cast off, shed, throw off one s apathy 3) apathy towards * * * [ æpəθɪ] shed show apathy towards throw off one s apathy to cast off to feel apathy towards …   Combinatory dictionary

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