- dysphemia
A speech impediment characterized by stammering or stuttering usually resulting from emotional or psychological causes.
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dysphemia — /dis fee mee euh/, n. Psychol. any impairment in the ability to speak. [1890 95; < NL < Gk dys DYS + phém(e) utterance + ia IA] * * * … Universalium
dysphemia — Disordered phonation, articulation, or hearing due to emotional or mental deficits. [dys + G. pheme, speech] * * * dys·phe·mia dis fē mē ə n a speech disorder characterized esp. by stammering or stuttering and usu. having a psychological basis *… … Medical dictionary
dysphemia — n. (Psychology) any speech impairment caused by mental factors (such as stuttering) … English contemporary dictionary
dysphemia — dys·phe·mia … English syllables
dysphemia — n.; see stammering … The new mediacal dictionary
dysphemia — /dɪsˈfimiə/ (say dis feemeeuh) noun disturbance of phonation, articulation or hearing due to psychological disorders. {Greek: ill language} …
dysphemia — n. stammering. ♦ dysphemism, n. substitution of a derogatory or offensive word for an ordinary one; word so substituted … Dictionary of difficult words
dysphemia — də̇ˈsfēmēə noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from dys + phemia : stammering * * * /dis fee mee euh/, n. Psychol. any impairment in the ability to speak. [1890 95; < NL < Gk dys DYS + phém( … Useful english dictionary
Дисфемия (Dysphemia) — см. Заикание. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
stuttering — or stammering or dysphemia Speech defect affecting the rhythm and fluency of speech, with involuntary repetition of sounds or syllables and intermittent blocking or prolongation of sounds, syllables, and words. Stutterers consistently have… … Universalium