quit claim deed

quit claim deed
a document by which a person (the grantor) disclaims any interest the grantor might have in a piece of real property, and passes that claim to another person (the grantee).

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  • quit claim deed — A document by which title to real estate is conveyed from one party, the grantor, to another party, the grantee. The distinguishing characteristic of a quit claim deed is that it transfers only such interest, title, or right that the grantor has… …   Financial and business terms

  • quit claim deed — noun the legal instrument effecting a quit claim (distinguished from warranty deed). Compare warranty …  

  • quit|claim — «KWIHT KLAYM», noun, verb. –n. 1. the act of giving up a claim or right of action. 2. = quitclaim deed. (Cf. ↑quitclaim deed) ╂[< Anglo French quiteclame < quitecmer; see the verb] –v.t. to give up claim to (possession or right of action).… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • Quitclaim deed — A quitclaim deed is a term used to describe a document by which a person (the grantor ) disclaims any interest the grantor may have in a piece of real property and passes that claim to another person (the grantee). A quitclaim deed neither… …   Wikipedia

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