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Spitchcock — Spitch cock , v. t. [1st spit + cock.] (Cookery) To split (as an eel) lengthwise, and broil it, or fry it in hot fat. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spitchcock — Spitch cock , n. (Cookery) An eel split and broiled. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spitchcock — grilled, fried or roasted eels, cut into small pieces or split lengthwise and flattened, with breadcrumbs and herbs … Dictionary of ichthyology
spitchcock — /spich kok /, n. 1. an eel that is split, cut into pieces, and broiled or fried. v.t. 2. to split, cut up, and broil or fry (an eel). 3. to treat severely. [1590 1600; orig. obscure] * * * … Universalium
spitchcock — noun an eel that has been split and grilled or fried. verb prepare (an eel or other fish) in this way. Origin C15: of unknown origin; cf. spatchcock … English new terms dictionary
spitchcock — spitch·cock … English syllables
spitchcock — spitch•cock [[t]ˈspɪtʃˌkɒk[/t]] n. 1) coo an eel that is split, cut into pieces, and broiled or fried 2) coo to split, cut up, and broil or fry (an eel) 3) cvb to treat severely • Etymology: 1590–1600; orig. obscure … From formal English to slang
spitchcock — /ˈspɪtʃkɒk/ (say spichkok) noun 1. an eel, split, cut into pieces, and grilled or fried. –verb (t) 2. to split, cut up, and grill or fry (an eel, chicken, etc.). 3. Rare to treat severely. {origin uncertain} …
spitchcock — n. eel split and grilled or fried … Dictionary of difficult words
spitchcock — n. & v. n. an eel split and broiled. v.tr. prepare (an eel, fish, bird, etc.) in this way. Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn.: cf. SPATCHCOCK … Useful english dictionary