- Eustachian tube
In humans and other land vertebrates, a tube that links the pharynx to the cavity of the middle ear to allow the equalization of the pressure on both sides of the eardrum.
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eustachian tube — [yo͞o stā′shən, yo͞ostā′shē ən, yo͞ostā′kē ən] n. [after Bartolommeo Eustachio (1520 74), It anatomist] [also E t ] a slender tube between the middle ear and the pharynx, which serves to equalize air pressure on both sides of the eardrum: see… … English World dictionary
Eustachian tube — so called for Italian physician Bartolomeo Eustachio (d.1574), who discovered the passages from the ears to the throat. His name is from L. Eustachius (see EUSTACE (Cf. Eustace)) … Etymology dictionary
Eustachian tube — ► NOUN Anatomy ▪ a narrow passage leading from the pharynx to the cavity of the middle ear, permitting the equalization of pressure on each side of the eardrum. ORIGIN named after the Italian anatomist Bartolomeo Eustachio (died 1574) … English terms dictionary
Eustachian tube — Infobox Anatomy Name = Eustachian tube Latin = tuba auditiva GraySubject = 230 GrayPage = 1042 Caption = Anatomy of the human ear. Caption2 = MapPos = Eustachian Tube MapCaption = The middle ear Precursor = first branchial pouch System = Artery … Wikipedia
Eustachian tube — The tube that runs from the middle ear to the pharynx. The function of the Eustachian tube is to protect, aerate and drain the middle ear (and mastoid). Occlusion of the Eustachian tube leads to the development of middle ear inflammation (otitis… … Medical dictionary
eustachian tube — The tube connecting the middle ear to the breathing passage. A person suffers from an earache if this tube is blocked and the aircraft is descending. The tube opens automatically and equalizes the pressure across the middle ear while climbing. It … Aviation dictionary
Eustachian tube — /yooh stay sheuhn, stay kee euhn/, Anat. a canal extending from the middle ear to the pharynx; auditory canal. See diag. under ear1. [1735 45; named after EUSTACHIO; see AN] * * * ▪ anatomy also called Auditory Tube, tube that extends… … Universalium
Eustachian tube — UK [juːˌsteɪʃ(ə)n ˈtjuːb] / US [juˌsteɪʃ(ə)n ˈtub] noun [countable] Word forms Eustachian tube : singular Eustachian tube plural Eustachian tubes medical one of the two tubes in your body that connect your ears to your throat and control the air… … English dictionary
Eustachian tube — Eustachijaus vamzdis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. Eustachian tube vok. Eustachische Röhre, f; Ohrtrompete, f rus. евстахиева труба, f pranc. trompe d’Eustache, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
eustachian tube — Eu·sta·chi·an tube || juË steɪʃjÉ™n (Anatomy) auditory tube, thin tube connecting the middle ear to the pharynx (helps equalize internal and external pressure on the eardrum) … English contemporary dictionary
Eustachian tube — /juˈsteɪʃən tjub / (say yooh stayshuhn tyoohb) noun a canal extending from the middle ear to the pharynx; auditory canal. {Eustachian, from Bartolommeo Eustachio, died 1574, Italian anatomist + an} …