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swirlingly — adverb see swirl I … New Collegiate Dictionary
swirlingly — swirl·ing·ly … English syllables
swirlingly — adverb Etymology: swirling (present participle of swirl) (II) + ly : in a swirling manner … Useful english dictionary
swirl — swirlingly, adv. /swerrl/, v.i. 1. to move around or along with a whirling motion; whirl; eddy. 2. to be dizzy or giddy, as the head. v.t. 3. to cause to whirl; twist. n. 4. a swirling movement; whirl; eddy. 5. a twist, as of hair around the head … Universalium
swirl — I. verb Etymology: Middle English Date: 14th century intransitive verb 1. a. to move with an eddying or whirling motion < swirling water > b. to pass in whirling confusion 2. to have a twist or convolution trans … New Collegiate Dictionary
Motion induced blindness — (MIB) is a phenomenon of visual disappearance or perceptual illusions in which salient visual stimuli disappear as if erased in front of an observer s eyes. In a popular demonstration,[1] the observer looks at one of three bright yellow spots… … Wikipedia
swirl — [swʉrl] vi. [ME (Scot) swyrl, prob. < Norw dial. svirla, freq. of sverra, to whirl: for IE base see SWARM1] 1. to move with a twisting, whirling motion; eddy 2. to swim, or be dizzy, as the head vt. to cause to swirl; whirl n. 1. a swirling… … English World dictionary