
Meanness. Lack of generosity

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  • tightfistedness — See tightfisted. * * * …   Universalium

  • tightfistedness — noun extreme stinginess • Syn: ↑meanness, ↑minginess, ↑niggardliness, ↑niggardness, ↑parsimony, ↑parsimoniousness, ↑tightness, ↑closeness …   Useful english dictionary

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  • niggardness — noun extreme stinginess • Syn: ↑meanness, ↑minginess, ↑niggardliness, ↑parsimony, ↑parsimoniousness, ↑tightness, ↑tightfistedness, ↑closeness …   Useful english dictionary

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  • tightness — noun 1. extreme stinginess • Syn: ↑meanness, ↑minginess, ↑niggardliness, ↑niggardness, ↑parsimony, ↑parsimoniousness, ↑tightfistedness, ↑closeness …   Useful english dictionary

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