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shirt-sleeve — shirt′ sleeve or shirt′sleeve , also shirt′ sleeved , shirt′ sleeves adj. 1) not wearing a jacket; informally dressed 2) cvb warm enough to not require a jacket or coat: shirt sleeve weather[/ex] 3) direct and straightforward in approach, manner … From formal English to slang
shirt-sleeve — [shʉrtslēv΄] adj. ☆ 1. in, or suitable for being in, one s shirt sleeves 2. plain, direct, and informal [shirt sleeve philosophy] … English World dictionary
shirt-sleeve — adjective also shirt sleeves or shirt sleeved ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ 1. a. : being without a coat spoke before a shirt sleeve audience standing in the sun b. : c … Useful english dictionary
shirt-sleeve — /sherrt sleev /, adj. 1. not wearing a jacket; informally dressed: a shirt sleeve mob. 2. warm enough to live or work in without wearing a jacket or coat: shirt sleeve weather in November. 3. simple, plain, and informal; direct and… … Universalium
Shirt-sleeve environment — is a term used in aircraft design to describe the interior of an aircraft in which no special clothing need be worn. Early aircraft had no internal pressurization, so the crews of those that reached the stratosphere had to be garbed to withstand… … Wikipedia
shirt|sleeve — … Useful english dictionary
shirt-sleeve diplomacy — diplomacy that is lacking in manners … English contemporary dictionary
shirt-sleeve philosophy — simple philosophy … English contemporary dictionary
Shirt-Sleeve Environment — An environment similar enough to Earth that no pressure suit, or other special protective equipment, is needed … The writer's dictionary of science fiction, fantasy, horror and mythology
shirt — O.E. scyrte skirt, tunic, from P.Gmc. *skurtijon a short garment (Cf. O.N. skyrta, Swed. skjorta skirt, kirtle; M.Du. scorte, Du. schort apron; M.H.G. schurz, Ger. Schurz apron ), from the same source as O.E. scort, sceort (see … Etymology dictionary