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corm — cormlike, adj. cormoid, adj. cormous, adj. /kawrm/, n. Bot. an enlarged, fleshy, bulblike base of a stem, as in the crocus. [1820 30; < NL cormus < Gk kormós a tree trunk with boughs lopped off, akin to keírein to cut off, hew] * * * Vertical,… … Universalium
Jepsonia — Taxobox name = Jepsonia regnum = Plantae divisio = Magnoliophyta classis = Magnoliopsida ordo = Saxifragales familia = Saxifragaceae s. l. genus = Jepsonia genus authority = Small Jepsonia is a small genus of flowering plants containing three… … Wikipedia
quillwort — /kwil werrt , wawrt /, n. any fernlike, aquatic marsh plant of the genus Isoëtes, characterized by clustered, quill like leaves bearing sporangia in their bases. [1780 90; QUILL + WORT2] * * * ▪ plant any of about 150 species of plants in… … Universalium