
1. verb
a) To fall heavily, because lacking energy.

He flopped down in front of the television as he was exhausted from work.

b) To fail completely, not to be successful at all (about a movie, play, book, song etc.).

The latest album flopped and so the studio canceled her contract.

2. noun
a) An incident of a certain type of fall; a plopping down.<! please replace with real def

The flop didnt help you but probably did help the other hands.

b) A complete failure, especially in the entertainment industry.

Here are six tips to help you play successfully on the flop (the first three communal cards).

Syn: dud, fiasco, turkey, box office bomb
3. adverb
a) Right, squarely, flat-out.
b) With a flopping sound.
See Also: flip-flop, flipflop, flip flop

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  • flop — flop …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • flop — [ flɔp ] interj. et n. m. • 1952; de l angl. to flop « se laisser tomber » 1 ♦ Bruit de chute (notamment de choses molles, pâteuses) ou bruit analogue. ⇒ floc. Faire flop : tomber. 2 ♦ N. m. (Argot du spectacle) Échec. ⇒ bide, four. Auteur qui… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • flop — [flɒp ǁ flɑːp] verb flopped PTandPP flopping PRESPART [intransitive] if a product or an attempt to do something flops, it fails completely: • A £16 million rights issue in the company flopped yesterday with only 2.4 % of the 151 million shares on …   Financial and business terms

  • flop — flop·er·oo; flop·per; flop·pers; flop·pe·ty; flop·pi·ly; flop·pi·ness; flop·py; ker·flop; giga·flop; flop; flop·per·oo; …   English syllables

  • Flop — may refer to: *Flop, a slang term for failure *Flop, a box office bomb in the entertainment world *Flop (poker), a poker term describing the first three cards dealt to the board *Flip flop (electronics), the bistable multivibrator, a circuit with …   Wikipedia

  • Flop — steht für: einen Misserfolg, einen Reinfall, eine Pleite, meist aus kommerzieller Sicht; nach englisch flop („Misserfolg“, „Reinfall“); Gegenteil von Hit den Fosbury Flop, siehe Hochsprung die ersten drei Gemeinschaftskarten beim Pokern, siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Flop — Sm Reinfall, Mißerfolg per. Wortschatz fremd. Erkennbar fremd (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. flop, eigentlich das Hinfallen , einer Ableitung von ne. flop (mit Lärm) hin(unter)fallen , neben ne. flap, dessen weitere Herkunft nicht sicher… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • flop´pi|ly — flop|py «FLOP ee», adjective, pi|er, pi|est, noun, plural pies. Informal. –adj. tending to flop; flopping: »a floppy hat. –n. = floppy disk. (Cf. ↑floppy disk) –flop´pi|ly …   Useful english dictionary

  • flop|py — «FLOP ee», adjective, pi|er, pi|est, noun, plural pies. Informal. –adj. tending to flop; flopping: »a floppy hat. –n. = floppy disk. (Cf. ↑floppy disk) –flop´pi|ly …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flop — der; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. flop zu to flop »(hin)plumpsen«>: 1. Kurzform von ↑Fosbury Flop. 2. Misserfolg; Angelegenheit od. Sache, die keinen Anklang findet u. deshalb nicht den erwarteten [finanziellen] Erfolg bringt …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • flop — [fläp] vt. flopped, flopping [echoic var. of FLAP] 1. to flap, strike, throw, or cause to drop noisily and clumsily 2. Photoengraving to turn (a film negative) face down before exposure to a metal plate, in order to create a desired mirror image… …   English World dictionary

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