honorable mention
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honorable mention — noun count or uncount an honor given in a competition to someone or something that has not won a prize but deserves official praise … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
honorable mention — n. a citation of honor to a person or work of merit but having lesser distinction than top honors in a competition … English World dictionary
Honorable Mention — Infobox Military Award name=Honorable Mention caption=The Crown of Honorable Mention on the Decoration for Important Military Acts. awarded by= type= Military award eligibility= for= For exceptional display of bravery, but not yet eligible yet… … Wikipedia
honorable mention — noun an official recognition of merit although he didn t win the prize he did get special mention • Syn: ↑mention • Derivationally related forms: ↑mention (for: ↑mention) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
honorable mention — Synonyms and related words: accolade, acknowledgment, appreciation, blurb, boost, buildup, citation, commendation, eulogy, good word, hype, kudos, mention, plug, praise, promotion, puff, recognition, tribute … Moby Thesaurus
honorable mention — noun Date: 1862 a distinction conferred (as in a contest or exhibition) on works or persons of exceptional merit but not deserving of top honors … New Collegiate Dictionary
honorable mention — a citation conferred on a contestant, exhibit, etc., having exceptional merit though not winning a top honor or prize. [1865 70] * * * … Universalium
honorable mention — hon′orable men′tion n. cvb a citation conferred on a contestant, exhibit, etc., having exceptional merit though not winning a top honor … From formal English to slang
mention — [ mɑ̃sjɔ̃ ] n. f. • fin XIIe; lat. mentio 1 ♦ Action de nommer, de citer, de signaler. « Si Josèphe a fait mention de Jésus » (Renan). Il n en est pas fait mention dans cet ouvrage. Événement digne de mention. 2 ♦ Brève note donnant une précision … Encyclopédie Universelle
honorable — [ ɔnɔrabl ] adj. • déb. XIIe; lat. honorabilis 1 ♦ Qui mérite d être honoré, estimé. ⇒ digne, estimable, respectable. Une famille honorable. Par plais. L honorable compagnie. ♢ (XIXe; d apr. l angl. honourable) Qualifiant un député. Je répondrai… … Encyclopédie Universelle