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smartass — or smart ass [smärt′as΄] n. Slang a person who is annoyingly or obnoxiously cocky, knowing, flippant, etc.; wiseguy adj. Slang annoyingly cocky, knowing, etc.: also smart assed * * * … Universalium
smartass — also smart ass, 1960 (adj.), 1962 (n.), from SMART (Cf. smart) (adj.) + ASS (Cf. ass) (2) … Etymology dictionary
smartass — or smart ass [smärt′as΄] n. Slang a person who is annoyingly or obnoxiously cocky, knowing, flippant, etc.; wiseguy adj. Slang annoyingly cocky, knowing, etc.: also smart assed … English World dictionary
smartass — n, adj (a person who is a) know all, smug or insolent. The word describes someone whose display of real or supposed clev erness renders them obnoxious. Smart alec or wise guy are politer synonyms. ► If she felt like giving them a smartass an swer … Contemporary slang
smartass — [B] a person who tries to be witty, cocky, lippy What do you want to drink? Do you have breast milk? Don t be a smartass! … English idioms
smartass — Used mainly by American speakers to a know all, a wise guy, someone who offers an opinion while giving the impression that he considers himself to be of superior intelligence. The term can be used with some viciousness or more playfully, as in … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
Smartass — … Wikipedia
smartass — n. (Slang) wise guy, one who thinks he knows everything, smart aleck, person who points out other people s mistakes … English contemporary dictionary
smartass — … Useful english dictionary
smartarse (smartass) — n, adj (a person who is a) know all, smug or insolent. The word describes someone whose display of real or supposed clev erness renders them obnoxious. Smart alec or wise guy are politer synonyms. ► If she felt like giving them a smartass an swer … Contemporary slang