- two-way street
A social interaction in which both parties are expected to give and take equally.
A good friendship is a two-way street.
Wikipedia foundation.
A good friendship is a two-way street.
Wikipedia foundation.
two-way street — n informal sth is a two way street used to say that a situation depends on two people working well together ▪ Marriage has to be a two way street … Dictionary of contemporary English
two-way street — noun singular AMERICAN a situation in which two people or two groups of people need to work together: Ending discrimination in the workplace is a two way street … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
two-way street — ► two way street a situation involving mutual or reciprocal action or obligation. Main Entry: ↑two way … English terms dictionary
Two-way street — A two way street is a street that allows vehicles to travel in both directions. On most two way streets, especially main streets, a line is painted down the middle of the road to remind drivers to stay on their side of the road. Sometimes one… … Wikipedia
two-way street — noun a street on which vehicular traffic can move in either of two directions you have to look both ways crossing a two way street • Hypernyms: ↑street * * * a situation or relationship involving mutual or reciprocal action or obligation trust is … Useful english dictionary
two-way street — n. a reciprocal situation. □ This is a two way street, you know. You will have to help me someday in return. □ Friendship is a two way street … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
two-way street — noun (countable usually singular) AmE informal a situation that depends on two people working well together: Marriage has to be a two way street … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
two-way street — noun Date: 1948 a situation or relationship requiring give and take < marriage is a two way street > … New Collegiate Dictionary
two-way street — a situation involving mutual or reciprocal action or obligation. → two way … English new terms dictionary
two-way street — UK / US noun [singular] a situation in which two people or two groups of people need to work together … English dictionary