- outplace
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
outplace — (ˈ) ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ transitive verb Etymology: out (I) + place : displace grain sorghums are valuable because of drought resistance and this factor has let the sorghums outplace maize Biological Abstracts … Useful english dictionary
outplace — /owt plays /, v.t., outplaced, outplacing. 1. to provide outplacement for. 2. to displace; supplant: Suburban shopping malls outplaced urban department stores in many cities. [1925 30; OUT + PLACE] * * * … Universalium
outplace — to dismiss from employment Not being sent to work away from the plant or office: ... despite the fact that your company is doing rather well, you have been sacked or, rather, re engineered , downsized , unassigned , proactively… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
outplace — /ˈaʊtpleɪs/ (say owtplays) verb (t) (outplaced, outplacing) to find a position for (an employee) with another business or organisation. –outplacement, noun –outplacement, adjective …
Amakudari — is the institutionalised practice where Japanese senior bureaucrats retire to high profile positions in the private and public sectors. The practice is increasingly viewed as corrupt and a drag on unfastening the ties between private sector and… … Wikipedia
History of Oregon wine production — The history of Oregon wine production stretches back to before the state was incorporated. Settlers to the Oregon Territory planted grapes as early as the 1840s, however the production of wine has only been a significant industry in Oregon since… … Wikipedia
outplaced — See outplace. * * * … Universalium
outplacement — [ autplasmɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1986; mot angl. amér. ♦ Aide au reclassement professionnel d un cadre licencié. Cabinet d outplacement. ● outplacement nom masculin Technique visant à la recherche d un nouvel emploi pour des salariés en cours de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
replace — [v] take the place of; put in place of alter, back up, change, compensate, displace, fill in, follow, front for*, give back, mend, oust, outplace, patch, pinch hit for*, put back, reconstitute, recoup, recover, redeem, redress, reestablish,… … New thesaurus
supersede — [v] take the place of; override abandon, annul, desert, discard, displace, forsake, oust, outmode, outplace, overrule, reject, remove, replace, repudiate, set aside, succeed, supplant, supplement, suspend, take over, usurp; concepts 128,141 Ant.… … New thesaurus