
A subbranch of the Eskimo-Aleut family of languages. This is the only language family known to straddle both North America and Asia. It is centered squarely in Alaska and is thought to have migrated across to Siberia a few hundred years ago.

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  • Yupik — Madre yupik con su hijo en 1930. Población total 21.000 Idioma …   Wikipedia Español

  • Yupik — Mutter und Kind, Fotografie von Edward S. Curtis Yupik bezeichnet mehrere Gruppen der Eskimo und deren Sprachen, die auf der russischen Tschuktschen Halbinsel, Südwestalaska und einigen Inseln von etwa 16.000 Menschen gesprochen werden. Die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Yupik — [yo͞o′pik] n. a group of Eskimo languages spoken in areas of Alaska and Siberia adjoining the Bering Strait …   English World dictionary

  • yupik — ˈyüpik noun ( s) Usage: usually capitalized : an Eskimo Aleut language of southwestern Alaska …   Useful english dictionary

  • Yupik — Ethnic group group=Yupik poptime=21,000 popplace= flag|USA flag|Russia langs= Yupik languages, English, Russian (in Siberia) rels=Christianity (mostly Russian Orthodox), Shamanism related= Inuit, Sirenik, AleutThe Yupik or, in the Central Alaskan …   Wikipedia

  • Yupik — Yupiks Chamane Yupik guérissant un enfant Les Yupiks (Yup ik au singulier et Yupiit au pluriel en langue Yupik) sont les indigènes qui vivent sur la moitié sud de la côte ouest de l Alaska, spécialement sur le delta Yukon Kuskokwim et le long de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Yupik — /yooh pik/, n. 1. a member of any of three groups of Eskimos inhabiting western coastal Alaska from Prince William Sound north to Norton Sound, and St. Lawrence Island and the coast of the Chukchi Peninsula of Siberia. 2. any of the Eskimo Aleut… …   Universalium

  • Yupik — noun (plural Yupiks or Yupik) Etymology: Central Alaskan Yupik yúppik, literally, authentic person Date: 1951 1. the language of the Eskimo people of southwestern Alaska 2. a member of the Yupik speaking people …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Yupik — [ ju:pɪk] noun (plural same or Yupiks) 1》 a member of an Eskimo people of Siberia, the Aleutian Islands, and Alaska. 2》 any of the languages of the Yupik, a division of the Eskimo Aleut family. Origin from Alaskan Yupik Yup ik real person …   English new terms dictionary

  • Yupik — n. member of an aboriginal Eskimo people who inhabit west Alaska and in areas of coastal Siberia (this group is related to the Inuit) n. family of languages spoken by the Yupik people …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Yupik (langue) — Les Yupik parlent cinq langues distinctes, selon leur localisation. Ces langues diffèrent suffisamment entre elles pour que les locuteurs de deux langues différentes ne se comprennent pas, même s ils peuvent comprendre l idée générale d une… …   Wikipédia en Français

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