stealth bomber

stealth bomber
A bomber (military aircraft) that is invisible to radar because of its unique body shape, outer coating, and thermal dissipation.
See Also: stealth fighter

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  • stealth bomber — stealth ,bomber noun count a military aircraft that cannot be noticed by RADAR …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • stealth bomber — noun a bomber that is difficult to detect by radar • Hypernyms: ↑bomber, ↑stealth aircraft * * * stealth bomber or stealth fighter noun A military aircraft of a design that enables it to escape radar detection • • • Main Entry: ↑stealth * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stealth-Bomber — Tarnkappenbomber B 2 Spirit Tarnkappenflugzeug ist die Bezeichnung für ein militärisches Flugzeug, welches die Tarnkappentechnik nutzt. Dies geschieht mittels besonderer geometrischer Formgebung und der Oberflächenbeschaffenheit, so dass das… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • stealth bomber — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms stealth bomber : singular stealth bomber plural stealth bombers a military aircraft that cannot be noticed by radar …   English dictionary

  • stealth bomber — B 2 advanced technology bomber …   Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games

  • stealth bomber — advanced bomber jet designed to be virtually invisible to radar (Military) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • stealth bomber — noun (C) an American military aircraft that cannot be discovered by radar instruments …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • Stealth aircraft — are aircraft that use stealth technology to make it harder to be detected by radar and other means than conventional aircraft by employing a combination of features to reduce visibility in the visual, audio, infrared and radio frequency (RF)… …   Wikipedia

  • stealth — [stelθ] n [U] [Date: 1200 1300; Origin: From an unrecorded Old English stAlth stealing ] 1.) when you do something very quietly, slowly, or secretly, so that no one notices you ▪ Cats rely on stealth to catch their prey. 2.) also Stealth a system …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • stealth — (n.) mid 13c., theft, action or practice of stealing, from O.E. *stælþ, which is related to stelen (see STEAL (Cf. steal)), from P.Gmc. *stælitho (Cf. O.N. stulþr). Sense of secret action developed c.1300, but the word also retained its… …   Etymology dictionary

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