hyperbolic sine
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hyperbolic sine — noun : the hyperbolic function that is analogous to the sine and defined by the equation sinh x = (ex e x)/2 abbreviation sinh … Useful english dictionary
hyperbolic — [hī΄pər bäl′ik] adj. [LL hyperbolicus < Gr hyperbolikos < hyperbolē: see HYPERBOLA] 1. of, having the nature of, or using hyperbole; exaggerated or exaggerating 2. of, or having the form of, a hyperbola 3. designating or of any of a set of… … English World dictionary
Hyperbolic function — A ray through the origin intercepts the hyperbola in the point , where is twice the area between the ray and the … Wikipedia
hyperbolic function — Math. a function of an angle expressed as a relationship between the distances from a point on a hyperbola to the origin and to the coordinate axes, as hyperbolic sine or hyperbolic cosine: often expressed as combinations of exponential functions … Universalium
hyperbolic functions — ▪ mathematics also called hyperbolic trigonometric functions the hyperbolic sine of z (written sinh z); the hyperbolic cosine of z (cosh z); the hyperbolic tangent of z (tanh z); and the hyperbolic cosecant, secant, and cotangent of z.… … Universalium
hyperbolic function — noun : any of a set of six functions analogous to the trigonometric functions but related to the hyperbola in a way similar to that in which trigonometric functions are related to a circle * * * Math. a function of an angle expressed as a… … Useful english dictionary
Hyperbolic secant distribution — Probability distribution name =hyperbolic secant type =density pdf cdf parameters = none support =x in ( infty; +infty)! pdf =frac12 ; operatorname{sech}!left(frac{pi}{2},x ight)! cdf =frac{2}{pi} arctan!left [exp!left(frac{pi}{2},x ight) ight] ! … Wikipedia
hyperbolic function — noun A function that is derived from some arithmetic operations on the exponential function with base e and the inverse function, and was named after the corresponding similar trigonometric function. See Also: hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine,… … Wiktionary
hyperbolic function — hy′perbol′ic func′tion n. math. a function of an angle expressed as a relationship between the distances from a point on a hyperbola to the origin and to the coordinate axes, as hyperbolic sine or hyperbolic cosine • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
Sine — For other uses, see Sine (disambiguation). Sine Basic features Parity odd Domain ( ∞,∞) Codomain [ 1,1] P … Wikipedia