
A holoblastic conidium that is produced singly or in chains, and detached at maturity leaving a bud scar

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  • Blastoconidium — A holoblastic conidium that is produced singly or in chains, and detached at maturity leaving a bud scar, as in the budding of a yeast cell. SYN: blastospore. [blasto + conidium] * * * blas·to·co·nid·i·um (blas″to kə nidґe …   Medical dictionary

  • blastospore — SYN: Blastoconidium. [blasto + G. sporos, seed] * * * blas·to·spore blas tə .spō(ə)r, .spȯ(ə)r n a fungal spore that is produced by budding and that acts as a resting spore or (as in yeasts) gives rise to another spore or a hypha * * *… …   Medical dictionary

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