- what's eating you
What is annoying or bothering you?
Youre in a bad mood today. Whats eating you?
Wikipedia foundation.
Youre in a bad mood today. Whats eating you?
Wikipedia foundation.
what's eating you — what s eating (you) what is making you angry. What s eating him today pressure from work or problems at home? … New idioms dictionary
what's eating you — what is bothering you? are you upset? What s eating you, Darryl? You look kind of mad … English idioms
what's eating you ? — ► what s eating you (or him etc.) ? informal what is worrying or annoying you (or him etc.)? Main Entry: ↑eat … English terms dictionary
what's eating you? — (informal) What is worrying or irritating you? • • • Main Entry: ↑eat … Useful english dictionary
What's eating you? — phr What is wrong with you? You don t want to see the Dodgers play? What s eating you?. 1920s … Historical dictionary of American slang
what's eating you (or him etc.)? — informal what is worrying or annoying you? → eat … English new terms dictionary
what's eating you/him ? — ► what s eating you (or him etc.) ? informal what is worrying or annoying you (or him etc.)? Main Entry: ↑eat … English terms dictionary
what's eating you/him etc. ? — ► what s eating you (or him etc.) ? informal what is worrying or annoying you (or him etc.)? Main Entry: ↑eat … English terms dictionary
what's eating you? — what is bothering you? … English contemporary dictionary
what's eating you? — What s troubling or annoying you? … A concise dictionary of English slang