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  • Capias — Ca pi*as, n. [L. thou mayst take.] (Low) A writ or process commanding the officer to take the body of the person named in it, that is, to arrest him; also called {writ of capias}. [1913 Webster] Note: One principal kind of capias is a writ by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Capias — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Capias Se denomina con el nombre de Capias a una golosina originaria de la ciudad de Bell Ville, ubicada al sudeste de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina). Su forma es similar a la de un pequeño alfajor de tres capas …   Wikipedia Español

  • capias — n. A writ issued by the court demanding that a named person be taken into custody. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. capias (Latin: That …   Law dictionary

  • capias — writ of arrest issued by a court, mid 15c., from L. capias, lit. thou mayest take, typical first word of such a writ; properly 2nd person sing. present subjunctive of capere to catch, seize, hold (see CAPABLE (Cf. capable)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • capias — [kā′pē əs, kap′ēəs] n. [ME < ML < L, 2d pers. sing., pres. subj., of capere, to take] Law a writ issued by a court directing an officer to arrest the person named …   English World dictionary

  • capias — [ keɪpɪəs, kap ] noun (plural capiases) Law a writ ordering the arrest of a named person. Origin ME: from L. capias (ad respondendum), lit. you are to seize (until reply is made) …   English new terms dictionary

  • capias ad respondendum — ca·pi·as ad re·spon·den·dum / kā pē əs ad ˌrē spän den dəm, kä pē ˌäs äd ˌrā spȯn den du̇m/ or capias n [Medieval Latin, you may seize (the person) to (make him/her) answer the charge]: a writ or process commanding an officer to place a person… …   Law dictionary

  • capias ad satisfaciendum — capias ad sat·is·fac·ien·dum / ˌsa tis ˌfā shē en dəm, ˌsä tis ˌfä kē en du̇m/ n [Medieval Latin, you may seize (the person) to (make him/her) satisfy (the claim)]: a writ or process commanding an officer to place a person (as a debtor) under… …   Law dictionary

  • Capias pro fine — are writs or warrants issued after the defendant defaults on an agreement with the court. The writ is considered outstanding until paid in full. The recipient usually must remain in jail until fees and/or costs have been satisfied by time served… …   Wikipedia

  • Capias ad respondendum — In the common law legal systems, capias ad respondendum (Latin: that you take to hear the judgment ) is or was a writ issued by a court to bring the defendant, having failed to appear, to hear the judgment to be imposed.In the United States, this …   Wikipedia

  • capias ad respondendum — /keypiyas aed respondendsm/ A judicial writ (usually simply termed a capias, and commonly abbreviated to ca. resp.) by which actions at law were frequently commenced; and which commands the sheriff to take the defendant, and him safely keep, so… …   Black's law dictionary

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