- opisthomastigote
A stage in unicellular life-cycle, typically trypanosomes, where the flagellum is posterior of the nucleus, and passes through a groove in the cell body.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
opisthomastigote — Term now used instead of herpetomonad for the stage of development of certain insect and plant parasitizing flagellates to avoid confusion between the stage and the genus Herpetomonas. In this stage the flagellum arises from the kinetoplast… … Medical dictionary
amastigote — SYN: Leishman Donovan body. [G. a priv. + mastix, whip] * * * amas·ti·gote (ə masґtĭ gōt) [a 1 + Gr. mastix whip] a morphologic stage in the life cycle of some kinetoplastid protozoa; the oval or round cell has a nucleus,… … Medical dictionary
choanomastigote — A term, in the series used to describe developmental stages of the parasitic flagellates, denoting the “barleycorn” form of the flagellate in the genus Crithidia characterized by a collarlike extension surrounding the anterior and through which… … Medical dictionary
epimastigote — Term replacing “crithidial stage,” to avoid confusion with the insect parasitizing flagellates of the genus Crithidia. In the e. stage the flagellum arises from the kinetoplast alongside the nucleus and emerges from the anterior end of the… … Medical dictionary
promastigote — Term now generally used instead of “leptomonad” or “leptomonad stage,” to avoid confusion with the flagellate genus Leptomonas. It denotes the flagellate stage of a trypanosomatid protozoan in which the flagellum arises from a kinetoplast in … Medical dictionary
Trypanosomatidae — A protozoan family of hemoflagellates (order Kinetoplastida, class Zoomastigophorea, subphylum Mastigophora); asexual blood and/or tissue parasites of leeches, insects, and vertebrates and sap inhabitants of plants, characterized by a rounded or… … Medical dictionary
trypomastigote — Term to replace the older term, “trypanosome stage,” which was often confused with the flagellate genus Trypanosoma. It denotes the stage (infective stage for South American trypanosomiasis and African trypanosomiasis, and the only stage found in … Medical dictionary
Trypanosomatina — Try·pano·so·ma·ti·na (tri pan″o so″mə tiґnə) a suborder of parasitic protozoa of the order Kinetoplastida, phylum Euglenozoa, comprising hemoflagellates that are found in the hosts blood, lymph, and tissues. They have a… … Medical dictionary