not have a bean

not have a bean

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  • not have a bean — british informal phrase to have very little or no money Thesaurus: to not have enough or any moneysynonym Main entry: bean * * * not have a ˈbean idiom ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • not have a bean — (not) have a bean British & Australian to have no money. Most people in the area are unemployed and don t have a bean to spend …   New idioms dictionary

  • not have a bean — British informal to have very little or no money …   English dictionary

  • have a bean — (not) have a bean British & Australian to have no money. Most people in the area are unemployed and don t have a bean to spend …   New idioms dictionary

  • not to have a bean — not to have a penny, not to have money, short of money …   English contemporary dictionary

  • bean — bean1 S3 [bi:n] n [: Old English;] 1.) a seed or a ↑pod (=case containing seeds) , that comes from a climbing plant and is cooked as food. There are very many types of beans. ▪ baked beans ▪ Soak the beans overnight. ▪ kidney beans ▪ green beans …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bean — 1 noun (C) 1 VEGETABLE a) a seed from one of many types of climbing plants, that is often used as food b) a pod (=seed case) from a bean plant that is used as food when the seeds are young: green beans 2 PLANT a plant that produces beans 3 COFFEE …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • bean */*/ — UK [biːn] / US [bɪn] noun [countable] Word forms bean : singular bean plural beans a seed of various plants that is cooked and eaten. There are many different types of beans, for example kidney beans, soya beans, and green beans. a) a dried bean… …   English dictionary

  • Bean weevil — Taxobox name = Bean weevils image width = 250px image caption = Acanthoscelides obtectus regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Coleoptera subordo = Polyphaga infraordo = Cucujiformia superfamilia = Chrysomeloidea familia …   Wikipedia

  • bean — beanlike, adj. /been/, n. 1. the edible nutritious seed of various plants of the legume family, esp. of the genus Phaseolus. 2. a plant producing such seeds. 3. the pod of such a plant, esp. when immature and eaten as a vegetable. 4. any of… …   Universalium

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