- take a gamble
To risk; to try something risky.
He really took a gamble when he left his job to become a writer. But it paid off in the end.
Wikipedia foundation.
He really took a gamble when he left his job to become a writer. But it paid off in the end.
Wikipedia foundation.
gamble — ▪ I. gamble gam‧ble 1 [ˈgæmbl] verb [intransitive, transitive] 1. FINANCE to risk money on the stockmarket or a new business activity in the hope of making a profit: gamble on • The company is gambling on a new clothing line expanding its… … Financial and business terms
gamble — gam|ble1 [ˈgæmbəl] v [I and T] [Date: 1700 1800; Origin: game] 1.) to risk money or possessions on the result of something such as a card game or a race, when you do not know for certain what the result will be →↑bet ▪ Their religion forbids them … Dictionary of contemporary English
gamble — 1 verb 1 (I) to risk money or possessions on the result of something uncertain, such as a card game, a race or a horse: We re forbidden to drink or gamble. | gamble on sth: Jack loves gambling on the horses. | gamble heavily (=gamble often, using … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
gamble — I UK [ˈɡæmb(ə)l] / US verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms gamble : present tense I/you/we/they gamble he/she/it gambles present participle gambling past tense gambled past participle gambled * 1) to risk money or something valuable in the… … English dictionary
gamble — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, enormous, great, huge, major, massive ▪ calculated ▪ high risk, risky (esp … Collocations dictionary
gamble — gam|ble1 [ gæmbl ] verb intransitive or transitive * 1. ) to risk money or something valuable in the hope of winning more if you are lucky or if you guess something correctly: We used to gamble at the casinos in Atlantic City. 2. ) to do… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
gamble — [n] chance, speculation action, bet, fling, leap*, long shot*, lottery, outside chance*, raffle, risk, shot in the dark*, spec*, stab*, throw of the dice*, toss up*, uncertainty, venture, wager; concepts 28,363 Ant. design, guard, insurance, plan … New thesaurus
gamble — gam·ble / gam bəl/ vb gam·bled, gam·bling vi: to risk something of value for the chance of winning a prize vt: to risk (something) for the chance of winning a prize gam·bler / blər/ n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster … Law dictionary
take a chance — gamble, try your luck I m going to take a chance and buy gold. It s a gamble, but … English idioms
gamble — [gam′bəl] vi. gambled, gambling [prob. back form. < obs. gamler, a gambler < gamel, to play (altered < ME gamen, to play < game, GAME1) + ER: akin to Ger dial. gammeln, to sport, make merry] 1. to play games of chance for money or… … English World dictionary