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Scanning probe microscopy — Part of a series of articles on Nanotechnology … Wikipedia
Institute for Materials Research — is a research institute for material sciences in the Tohoku University, Japan. It is one of the most advanced research organization in the world. In 2001, it is ranked as no.1 in the field of material sciences by [… … Wikipedia
Aluminium — Magnésium ← Aluminium → Silicium B … Wikipédia en Français
Christoph Cremer — (born in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany) is a German physicist and professor at the Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg, who has successfully overcome the conventional limit of resolution that applies to light based investigations (the Abbe… … Wikipedia
Conductive atomic force microscopy — (C AFM) is a variation of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), which uses electrical current to construct the surface profile of the studied sample. The current is flowing through the metal coated tip of the… … Wikipedia
Mineralized tissues — Mineralized tissues: sea sponge, sea shells, conch, dentin, radiolarian, antler, bone Mineralized tissues are biological tissues that incorporate minerals into soft matrices. Typically these tissues form a protective shield or structural… … Wikipedia
John Meurig Thomas — Portrait von Sir John Meurig Thomas, gemalt von John Stanton Ward Sir John Meurig Thomas (* 15. Dezember 1932), ist ein führender britischer Chemiker auf dem Gebiet der heterogenen Katalyse, Festkörperchemie, Materialwissenschaft und … Deutsch Wikipedia
Paul Mayrhofer — (* 5. August 1972 in Oberpullendorf) ist ein österreichischer Werkstoffwissenschafter und Assoziierter Professor an der Montanuniversität Leoben. Paul Mayrhofer studierte Werkstoffwissenschaften an der Montanuniversität Leoben. Nach der Promotion … Deutsch Wikipedia