gee haw whimmy diddle

gee haw whimmy diddle
A wooden toy consisting of a notched stick with a smaller stick attached on the end. Rubbing the notched stick with another stick causes the smaller stick to spin; with practice the spin can be made to change from rightward (gee) to leftward (haw) and vice versa.

Here you can pick up mountain toys such as the ‘gee-haw whimmy diddle, a stick with a propeller that turns when you rub the notches on the stick.

Syn: whimmy diddle

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  • Gee-haw whammy diddle — A gee haw whammy diddle is mechanical toy consisting of two wooden sticks. One has a series of notches cut transversely along its side and a smaller wooden stick or a propeller attached to the end with a nail or pin. This stick is held stationary …   Wikipedia

  • gee — 1. interjection /dʒiː/ a) A general exclamation of surprise or frustration. Gee, I didnt know that! b) An instruction for a horse or other animal to turn right. Gee this is fun! See Also: gee whiz, gee haw whimmy diddle, gee willickers …   Wiktionary

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