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kidney — kidneylike, adj. /kid nee/, n., pl. kidneys. 1. Anat. either of a pair of bean shaped organs in the back part of the abdominal cavity that form and excrete urine, regulate fluid and electrolyte balance, and act as endocrine glands. 2. Zool. a… … Universalium
Native elements — ▪ Table Native elements name colour lustre Mohs hardness specific gravity habit or form allemontite tin white; reddish gray metallic 3–4 5.8–6.2 kidneylike masses amalgam gold amalgam yellowish metallic 15.5 lumps or grains moschellandsbergite… … Universalium
excretion — excretion1 /ik skree sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of excreting. 2. the substance excreted, as urine or sweat, or certain plant products. [1595 1605; < LL excretion (s. of excretio) that which is sifted out. See EXCRETE, ION] excretion2 /ik skree… … Universalium