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Deficiency, FALDH — Also known as the Sjogren Larsson syndrome, this is a genetic (inherited) disease usually characterized by a triad of clinical findings consisting of ichthyosis (thickened fish like skin), spastic paraplegia (spasticity of the legs) and mental… … Medical dictionary
Deficiency, FAO — Also known as the Sjogren Larsson syndrome, this is a genetic (inherited) disease usually characterized by a triad of clinical findings consisting of ichthyosis (thickened fish like skin), spastic paraplegia (spasticity of the legs) and mental… … Medical dictionary
Deficiency, fatty alcohol: NAD+ oxidoreductase — Also known as the Sjogren Larsson syndrome, this is a genetic (inherited) disease usually characterized by a triad of clinical findings consisting of ichthyosis (thickened fish like skin), spastic paraplegia (spasticity of the legs) and mental… … Medical dictionary
Deficiency, fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase — Also known as the Sjogren Larsson syndrome, this is a genetic (inherited) disease usually characterized by a triad of clinical findings consisting of ichthyosis (thickened fish like skin), spastic paraplegia (spasticity of the legs) and mental… … Medical dictionary
Disease, exaggerated startle — A genetic disorder also known as hyperexplexia in which babies have an exaggerated startle reflex (reaction). This disorder was not recognized until 1962 when it was described by Drs. Kok and Bruyn as a disease with the onset at birth of… … Medical dictionary
Disease, Kok — A genetic disorder also known as hyperexplexia in which babies have an exaggerated startle reflex (reaction). This disorder was not recognized until 1962 when it was described by Drs. Kok and Bruyn as a disease with the onset at birth of… … Medical dictionary
Disease, startle — A genetic disorder also known as hyperexplexia in which babies have an exaggerated startle reflex (reaction). This disorder was not recognized until 1962 when it was described by Drs. Kok and Bruyn as a disease with the onset at birth of… … Medical dictionary
Exaggerated startle disease — A genetic disorder also known as hyperexplexia in which babies have an exaggerated startle reflex (reaction). This disorder was not recognized until 1962 when it was described by Drs. Kok and Bruyn as a disease with the onset at birth of… … Medical dictionary
FALDH deficiency — Also known as the Sjogren Larsson syndrome, this is a genetic (inherited) disease usually characterized by a triad of clinical findings consisting of ichthyosis (thickened fish like skin), spastic paraplegia (spasticity of the legs) and mental… … Medical dictionary
FAO deficiency — Also known as the Sjogren Larsson syndrome, this is a genetic (inherited) disease usually characterized by a triad of clinical findings consisting of ichthyosis (thickened fish like skin), spastic paraplegia (spasticity of the legs) and mental… … Medical dictionary