
Discharging urine.

I would not have known that the stadiums bathrooms were out of order, were it not for the long line of mingent men standing along the wall.

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  • mingent — …   Useful english dictionary

  • retromingent — retromingency, n. /re troh min jeuhnt/, adj. 1. urinating backward because of bodily configuration: The lion is a retromingent animal. n. 2. an animal that urinates backward. [1645 55; RETRO + Latin mingent s. of mingens), prp. of mingere to… …   Universalium

  • retromingent — ret•ro•min•gent [[t]ˌrɛ troʊˈmɪn dʒənt[/t]] adj. 1) anb urinating backward because of bodily configuration: The lion is a retromingent animal[/ex] 2) anb a retromingent animal • Etymology: 1645–55; retro + L mingent , s. of mingens, prp. of… …   From formal English to slang

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