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Line (heraldry) — EngrailedA chief enarched indented throughout in the arms of SawbridgeworthBretesséA fess wavy in the arms of Welwyn HatfieldNebulyA chief embattled in the arms of LetchworthIndented The lines of partition used to divide and vary fields and… … Wikipedia
thyroid — thyroidal, adj. thyroidless, adj. /thuy royd/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to the thyroid gland. 2. of or pertaining to the largest cartilage of the larynx, forming the projection known in humans as the Adam s apple. n. 3. See thyroid gland. 4. the… … Universalium
casement window — ▪ architecture earliest form of movable window, wood or metal framed, with hinges or pivots at the upright side of the vertically hung sash, so that it opens outward or inward along its entire length in the manner of a door. One frame,… … Universalium
gate — 1. noun /ɡeɪt/ a) A doorlike structure outside a house. The in front of the railroad crossing went up after the train had passed. b) Doorway, opening, or passage in a fence or … Wiktionary
gate — Of the two English words gate, only one survives in general use. Gate ‘doorlike structure’ [OE] comes from a prehistoric Germanic *gatam, whose other descendants, including Dutch gat ‘hole, opening’, suggest that it originally denoted an ‘opening … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
gate — Of the two English words gate, only one survives in general use. Gate ‘doorlike structure’ [OE] comes from a prehistoric Germanic *gatam, whose other descendants, including Dutch gat ‘hole, opening’, suggest that it originally denoted an ‘opening … Word origins
portulaca — [pôr΄chə lak′ə; pôr΄chəlä′kə, pôr΄chəlā′kə] n. [ModL < L, purslane < portula, dim. of porta, door (see PORT5): from the doorlike opening of the seed capsule] a fleshy annual plant (Portulaca grandiflora) of the purslane family, usually with … English World dictionary