kangaroo word

kangaroo word
a word that contains letters of another word, in order, with the same meaning.
See Also: joey word

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  • Kangaroo word — A kangaroo word is a word that contains letters of another word, in order, with the same meaning. For example: the word masculine contains the word male , which is a synonym of the first word; similarly, the word observe contains its synonym see …   Wikipedia

  • Word game — Word games and puzzles are generally engaged as a source of entertainment, but they have been found to serve a very useful and progressive educational purpose as well. For instance, young children can find enjoyment playing modestly competitive… …   Wikipedia

  • Kangaroo (disambiguation) — A kangaroo is a large Australian marsupial.Kangaroo may also refer to:* North Melbourne Football Club, nicknamed Kangaroos * Kangaroo (meat), the meat of the Australian marsupial * Kangaroo (armoured personnel carrier), a WWII armoured personnel… …   Wikipedia

  • kangaroo — (n.) 1770, used by Capt. Cook and botanist Joseph Banks, supposedly an aborigine word from northeast Queensland, Australia, usually said to be unknown now in any native language. However, according to Australian linguist R.M.W. Dixon ( The… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Kangaroo — Taxobox name = KangaroosMSW3 Groves | pages= 64 66] image width = 250px image caption = Female Eastern Grey Kangaroo with joey regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia subclassis = Marsupialia ordo = Diprotodontia subordo =… …   Wikipedia

  • kangaroo — kan·ga·roo (kăng′gə ro͞o’) n. pl. kangaroo or kan·ga·roos ▸ Any of various large herbivorous marsupials of the family Macropodidae of Australia and adjacent islands, having short forelimbs, large hind limbs used for leaping, and a long tapered… …   Word Histories

  • Kangaroo Island — For other places with the same name, see Kangaroo Island (disambiguation). Kangaroo Island Native name: Karta (Island of the Dead) Map of Kangaroo Island …   Wikipedia

  • kangaroo — [18] The first English speakers to refer in writing to the kangaroo were Captain Cook and the botanist Joseph Banks, who both mentioned it in 1770 in the journals they kept of their visit to Australia (Banks, for instance, referred to killing… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • kangaroo — [18] The first English speakers to refer in writing to the kangaroo were Captain Cook and the botanist Joseph Banks, who both mentioned it in 1770 in the journals they kept of their visit to Australia (Banks, for instance, referred to killing… …   Word origins

  • kangaroo court — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms kangaroo court : singular kangaroo court plural kangaroo courts informal a court that is not official and is organized to punish someone whether they have committed a crime or not …   English dictionary

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