
Calculation producing too large a result.

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  • exaggeration — Synonyms and related words: abandon, abstractionism, accelerando, acceleration, affectation, aggrandizement, aggravation, amplification, beefing up, blague, blowing up, blowup, boundlessness, cock and bull story, coloring, command of language,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • overestimate — Synonyms and related words: aggrandize, amplify, ballyhoo, build up, burlesque, caricature, carry too far, draw the longbow, exaggerate, exaggeration, go to extremes, hyperbolize, idealize, idolize, lay it on, magnify, make much of, overappraisal …   Moby Thesaurus

  • overestimate — v 1. overrate, overvalue, over esteem, overprize, exaggerate [s.t. s] worth, make too much of, attach too much importance to, think too much of, expect too much of. 2. overcalculate, overreckon, overcount, over measure, overassess, overpraise. 3 …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

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