hydrogen cycle

hydrogen cycle
a) the transmission of hydrogen from water to carbohydrates etc and back to water by living organisms
b) the electrolysis or solar photolysis of water to give hydrogen and oxygen which are then recombined in a fuel cell to produce electricity <! you know it makes sense!

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  • Hydrogen cycle — Hydrogen is one of the constituents of water. It recycles as in other biogeochemical cycles. It is actively involved with the other cycles like the carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle ,sulfur cycle and oxygen cycle as well.Anaerobic fermentation of… …   Wikipedia

  • Cycle de l'hydrogène — L élément hydrogène est un des composants de l eau. Il est recyclé dans des cycles biogéochimiques. Il participe activement au cycle du carbone, de l azote, du soufre et de l oxygène. La fermentation anaérobie des substances organiques en dioxyde …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hydrogen production — Hydrogen is commonly produced by extraction from hydrocarbon fossil fuels via a chemical path. Hydrogen may also be extracted from water via biological production in an algae bioreactor, or using electricity (by electrolysis), chemicals (by… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydrogen sulfide — Systematic name …   Wikipedia

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  • Cycle Soufre-iode — Le cycle iode soufre (cycle IS ou S I en anglais) est une série de processus thermochimiques utilisée pour la production d hydrogène. Il consiste en trois réactions chimiques dont le réactif net est l eau et dont les produits nets sont de l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hydrogen embrittlement — (or hydrogen grooving) is the process by which various metals, most importantly high strength steel, become brittle and crack following exposure to hydrogen. Hydrogen cracking can pose an engineering problem especially in the context of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydrogen technologies — are technologies that relate to the production and use of hydrogen. Hydrogen technologies are applicable for many uses.Some hydrogen technologies are carbon neutral and could have a role in preventing climate change and a possible future hydrogen …   Wikipedia

  • Hydrogen fuel enhancement — is the process of using a mixture of hydrogen and conventional hydrocarbon fuel in an internal combustion engine, typically in a car or truck, to improve fuel economy, power output, or both. While the term may be used to refer to different ways… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydrogen economy — The hydrogen economy is a proposed system of delivering energy using hydrogen. The term hydrogen economy was coined by John Bockris during a talk he gave in 1970 at General Motors (GM) Technical Center.[1] Hydrogen advocates promote hydrogen as… …   Wikipedia

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