miss a trick

miss a trick
Used in negative (usually) to say that a person is alert and always able to take advantage of any situation.

John managed to make a profit on that old car you sold him. He never misses a trick, does he?

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  • miss a trick — {v. phr.} To fail to see, hear, or notice something of even the slightest importance. * /He never misses a trick when it comes to the stock market./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • miss a trick — {v. phr.} To fail to see, hear, or notice something of even the slightest importance. * /He never misses a trick when it comes to the stock market./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • miss a trick — (not) miss a trick to not fail to notice and use a good opportunity. You can rely on Sarah to get what she wants, she never misses a trick …   New idioms dictionary

  • miss\ a\ trick — v. phr. To fail to see, hear, or notice something of even the slightest importance. He never misses a trick when it comes to the stock market …   Словарь американских идиом

  • never/not miss a trick — see ↑trick, 1 • • • Main Entry: ↑miss never/not miss a trick informal : to notice everything : to always know what is happening He never misses a trick. • • • Main Entry: ↑trick …   Useful english dictionary

  • not miss a trick — not/never/miss a trick informal phrase to notice every opportunity and use it Oscar, who never misses a trick, noticed the letter and asked what it was about. Thesaurus: to have, or to take advantage of, an opportunitysynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • not miss a trick — If someone doesn t miss a trick, they take advantage of everything that could help them or might be an opportunity for them …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • never miss a trick — not/never/miss a trick informal phrase to notice every opportunity and use it Oscar, who never misses a trick, noticed the letter and asked what it was about. Thesaurus: to have, or to take advantage of, an opportunitysynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • not miss a trick — (not) miss a trick to not fail to notice and use a good opportunity. You can rely on Sarah to get what she wants, she never misses a trick …   New idioms dictionary

  • he doesn't miss a trick — he, she, etc. doesn t miss a ˈtrick idiom (informal) used to say that sb notices every opportunity to gain an advantage Main entry: ↑missidiom …   Useful english dictionary

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