
a) A rhetorical exercise in which the speaker raises an objection to his own argument and then immediately answers it, in an attempt to strengthen the argument by dealing with possible counter-arguments.
b) Rebuttal of anticipated objections.
See Also: procataleptic

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  • Procatalepsis — is a figure of speech in which the speaker raises an objection to his own argument and then immediately answers it. By doing so, he hopes to strengthen his argument by dealing with possible counter arguments before his audience can raise… …   Wikipedia

  • procatalepsis — pro·cat·a·lep·sis …   English syllables

  • procatalepsis — (ˌ)prōˌkad.əlˈepsə̇s noun ( es) Etymology: Medieval Latin, from Greek prokatalēpsis, literally, art of seizing beforehand, from prokatalambanein to seize beforehand, from pro pro (I) + katalambanein to seize more at catalepsy …   Useful english dictionary

  • Figure of speech — A figure of speech, sometimes termed a rhetoric, or locution, is a word or phrase that departs from straightforward, literal language. Figures of speech are often used and crafted for emphasis, freshness of expression, or clarity. However,… …   Wikipedia

  • Prolepsis — (from the Greek prolambanein , to anticipate) can be:#A figure of speech in which a future event is referred to in anticipation. For example, a character who is about to die might be described as the dead man before he is actually dead. The same… …   Wikipedia

  • Frame story — A frame story (also frame tale, frame narrative, etc.) is a literary technique and a type of story within a story, whereby an introductory or main narrative is presented, at least in part, for the purpose of setting the stage either for a more… …   Wikipedia

  • Thurneiser — (Thurnheyser zum Thurn), Leonhard, geb. 1531 in Basel, Sohn eines Goldschmieds, lernte die Kunst seines Vaters, verließ aber Basel wegen einer versuchten Betrügerei u. arbeitete in Strasburg, legte dann im Ober Innthale eine Schwefelhütte an u.… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • prolepsis — noun /pɹoʊˈlɛpsɪs/ a) The assignment of something to a period of time that precedes it. b) The anticipation of an objection to an argument. Syn: anachronism, flashforward, foreshadowing, procatalepsis, left dislocation Ant …   Wiktionary

  • confute — verb To disprove or refute; to show something to be false or someone to be wrong. Procatalepsis is a forme of speech by which the Orator perceiving aforehand what might be objected against him, and hurt him, doth confute it before it be spoken …   Wiktionary

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