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jacksy — /ˈdʒæksi / (say jaksee) noun NZ Colloquial the posterior; the buttocks. {from 19th century British slang jacksy pardy, origin unknown} …
jacksy — n the arse, anus, buttocks. A fairly inoffen sive working class word, particularly pop ular in the north of England, jacksie (the form jaxy has also been recorded) dates from the 19th century. It is probably an affectionate diminutive form of the … Contemporary slang
jacksy — n. (British Slang) buttocks, anus (offensive term) … English contemporary dictionary
jacksy — noun (plural jacksies) variant spelling of jacksie … English new terms dictionary
jacksy — … Useful english dictionary
jacksie (jacksy) — n the arse, anus, buttocks. A fairly inoffen sive working class word, particularly pop ular in the north of England, jacksie (the form jaxy has also been recorded) dates from the 19th century. It is probably an affectionate diminutive form of the … Contemporary slang
British slang — circuBritish slang is English language slang used in the UK. Slang is informal language sometimes peculiar to a particular social class or group and its use in Britain dates back to before the 16th century. The language of slang, in common with… … Wikipedia
Atentados del 7 de julio de 2005 en Londres — Atentados del 7 J Personas atrapadas en el interior del metro. Lugar Londres, Inglaterra, Reino Unido … Wikipedia Español
jacksey — Scottish Vernacular Dictionary noun: also Jacksy, Jaxy (make up your own) arse, specifically sphincter. Probably not just Scottish, also used in England. Example: Ah decided no tae audition fur the New Bay City Rollers, cause fur wan, ah didny… … English dialects glossary
jacksie — (also jacksy) noun Brit. informal a person s bottom. Origin C19: dimin. of jack1 … English new terms dictionary