bar mitzvah
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Bar-Mitzvah — au Mur des Lamentations Bar Mitzvah (hébreu : בר מצוה, aussi appelé communion juive) est un mot araméen qui pourrait signifier : Fils du Commandement. C est l âge auquel le jeune garçon juif atteint sa majorité religieuse, en principe… … Wikipédia en Français
bar mitzvah — or bar mizvah [bär mits′və; ] Heb [ bär΄mits vä′] n. [Yiddish bar mitsve < Heb Aram < Aram bar, son of + Heb mitsva, commandment] [also B M ] 1. a Jewish boy who has arrived at the age of religious responsibility, thirteen years ☆ 2. the… … English World dictionary
bar mitzvah — bar mitz|vah [ bar mıtsvə ] noun count a Jewish religious ceremony held on a boy s thirteenth birthday, after which he is considered to be an adult in his religious life a. a Jewish boy who is taking part in a bar mitzvah … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Bar Mitzvah — 1861, in Judaism, male person who has completed his 13th year and thus reached the age of religious responsibility, from Hebrew, lit. son of command. As a name for the ceremony itself, by 1941 … Etymology dictionary
bar mitzvah — ► NOUN ▪ the religious initiation ceremony of a Jewish boy who has reached the age of 13. ORIGIN Hebrew, son of the commandment … English terms dictionary
Bar mitzvah — /* */ Bar Mitzvah … Wikipédia en Français
bar mitzvah — /bahr mits veuh / or, Ashk. Heb. /bahrdd/; Seph. Heb. /bahrdd meets vah /, (often caps.) Judaism. 1. a solemn ceremony held in the synagogue, usually on Saturday morning, to admit as an adult member of the Jewish community a Jewish boy 13 years… … Universalium
Bar Mitzvah — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bar. Bar Mitzvah au Mur des Lamentations … Wikipédia en Français
bar mitzvah — UK [ˌbɑː(r) ˈmɪtsvə] / US [bɑr ˈmɪtsvə] noun [countable] Word forms bar mitzvah : singular bar mitzvah plural bar mitzvahs a) a Jewish religious ceremony held on a boy s thirteenth birthday, after which he is considered to be an adult in his… … English dictionary
bar mitzvah — I. noun Usage: often capitalized B&M Etymology: Hebrew bar miṣwāh, literally, son of the (divine) law Date: 1816 1. a Jewish boy who reaches his 13th birthday and attains the age of religious duty and responsibility 2. the initiatory ceremony… … New Collegiate Dictionary
bar mitzvah — (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) (VOCABULARY WORD) n. [bar MITZ vuh] a ceremony recognizing the entrance of a 13 year old Jewish boy into the adult world of moral responsibilities. The bar mitzvah is the Jewish boy s great rite of passage into… … English dictionary for students