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marasmus — ma*ras mus, n. [NL., fr. Gr. ?, fr. ?, to quench, as fire; pass., to die away.] (Med.) A wasting of flesh without fever or apparent disease; a kind of consumption; atrophy; phthisis. [1913 Webster] Pining atrophy, Marasmus, and wide wasting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Marasmus — (v. gr.), Welkwerden, Abzehrung, Auszehrung; M. senilis, das Schwinden der Kräfte im Greisenalter … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Marásmus — (griech.), im allgemeinen soviel wie Auszehrung, besonders (M. senilis) Altersschwäche; marantisch, an M. leidend, entkräftet, erschöpft … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Marásmus — (lat.), körperliche Entkräftung infolge von Krankheiten etc.; M. senīlis, Altersschwäche … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
marasmus — wasting away of the body, 1650s, Modern Latin, from Gk. marasmos a wasting away, withering, decay, from marainein to quench, weaken, wither, from PIE root *mer to rub away, harm (see MORBID (Cf. morbid)). Maras (n.) evidently in the same sense is … Etymology dictionary
marasmus — [mə raz′məs] n. [ML < Gr marasmos, a wasting away < marainein, to quench, cause to waste away: see MARE3] a condition of progressive emaciation, esp. in infants, as from inability to assimilate food marasmic adj … English World dictionary
Marasmus — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 E41 Alimentärer Marasmus Erhebliche Mangelernährung mit Marasmus E42 Kwashiorkor Marasmus Erhebliche Energie un … Deutsch Wikipedia
Marasmus — Not to be confused with Marasmius. Marasmus Classification and external resources Child suffering with Marasmus in India ICD 10 E … Wikipedia
marasmus — marasmic, adj. marasmoid, adj. /meuh raz meuhs/, n. Pathol. malnutrition occurring in infants and young children, caused by insufficient intake of calories or protein and characterized by thinness, dry skin, poor muscle development, and… … Universalium
Marasmus — Ma|ras|mus der; , <über nlat. marasmus aus gr. marasmós »das Schwachwerden, Abnehmen der Lebenskraft« zu maraínein »ausdörren, verzehren«> allgemeiner geistig körperlicher Kräfteverfall (Med.); Marasmus senilis: Kräfteverfall im… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Marasmus — Wasting away, as occurs with children who have kwashiorkor. Also called cachexia, is usually a result of protein and calorie deficiency. * * * Cachexia, especially in young children, primarily due to prolonged dietary deficiency of protein and… … Medical dictionary