Fu Manchu moustache

Fu Manchu moustache
a long mustache modeled after that of the early 20th-century character

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  • Fu Manchu moustache — A Fu Manchu mustache is a full mustache that extends downward past the lips and on either side of the chin. Often, the ends of the mustache will hang past the jaw, with pointed or tapered ends. The Fu Manchu is similar to the more common… …   Wikipedia

  • Fu Manchu moustache — /fu mænˈtʃu/ (say fooh man chooh) noun a style of moustache with long, downward pointing ends. {from the fictional villain, Dr Fu Manchu, depicted with such a moustache} …  

  • Moustache — This article is about the type of facial hair. For other uses, see Moustache (disambiguation). Panayot Hitov s moustache Bulgarian hajduk and revolutionary …   Wikipedia

  • Fu Manchu — For other uses, see Fu Manchu (disambiguation). Film poster by Mitchell Hooks for 1965 film The Face of Fu Manchu Dr. Fu Manchu is a fictional character introduced in a series of novels by British author Sax Rohmer during the first half of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Fu Manchu — Fu Man|chu the main character in the stories by Sax Rohmer and in the films based on these stories. Fu Manchu is an evil and very clever Chinese criminal. He has a very long ↑moustache, the ends of which hang down. A moustache that looks like… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Handlebar moustache — A handlebar moustache is a moustache with particularly lengthy, often graspable, extremities. Unlike a Fu Manchu moustache, which only takes weeks to grow, it literally takes years to grow out a handlebar moustache. They are named for their… …   Wikipedia

  • Fu Manchu (disambiguation) — Fu Manchu can refer to:*Fu Manchu, the fictional literature character. *The Fu Manchu moustache *Fu Manchu (band), the Californian Stoner Rock band * Fu Manchu , a song by Frank Black from his 1993 debut solo album Frank Black *Fu Mancu Lionfish …   Wikipedia

  • Fu Manchu — noun a) A series of books by British author about a villain that sports a Fu Manchu moustache, and other media based on them, such as comic books and movies. b) The villain who is the title character of that series …   Wiktionary

  • Fu Manchu (homonymie) — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le docteur Fu Manchu est un personnage de fiction. Fu Manchu est un groupe stoner rock des États Unis. Fu Man Chu est un album de 1972 par le chanteur… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dr Fu Manchu — [Dr Fu Manchu] the main character in a series of novels by the British crime writer Sax Rohmer (c. 1883–1959), some of which were made into films in the 1930s and the 1960s. Dr Fu Manchu is an extremely clever criminal with a long ↑moustache with …   Useful english dictionary

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