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multipulse excited coding — daugiaimpulsis kodavimas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. multipulse excited coding vok. Mehrimpulsregelkodierung, f rus. многоимпульсное кодирование, n pranc. codage actionné par impulsions multiples, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
MP-MLQ — MultiPulse MultiLevel Quantization (Computing » Networking) … Abbreviations dictionary
Decca-Navigationssystem — Genauigkeit der unterschiedlichen Navigationssysteme Decca Navigator Mk 21 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Decca Navigator System — D … Wikipedia
Casio SD Synthesizers — Casio s SD ( Spectrum Dynamic ) Synthesizers were a late 1980 s line of hybrid digital analog synthesizers featuring a resonant analog filter. SD synthesis was very similar to traditional DCO analog synthesis, with the main difference being that… … Wikipedia
DECCA (navigation) — Le Système DECCA était un système de radionavigation hyperbolique en LF (70 à 127 kHz). Il fut développé pendant la seconde guerre mondiale par les alliés pour permettre des débarquements précis. Comme pour le LORAN, son but principal était… … Wikipédia en Français
MPC-MLQ — Multipulse LPC with Maximum Likelihood Quantization is a speech coding algorithm used in G.723.1 speech coding standard working at bit rate of 6.3 kbit/s … Wikipedia
2007 Timbaland plagiarism controversy — Timbaland s plagiarism controversy occurred in January 2007, when several news sources reported that Timbaland (Timothy Z. Mosley) was alleged to have plagiarized several elements (both motifs and samples) in the song Do It on the 2006 album… … Wikipedia
Bishnu S. Atal — (1933 ) is a noted researcher in linear predictive coding.Atal was born in India, and received his BS degree in physics (1952) from the University of Lucknow , a diploma in electrical communication engineering (1955) from the Indian Institute of… … Wikipedia
Controverse autour de Timbaland — En janvier 2007, plusieurs sources d information ont rapporté que Timbaland (Timothy Z. Mosley) était accusé d avoir plagié plusieurs éléments (échantillonnage) dans la chanson Do It sur l album de 2006 Loose par Nelly Furtado sans porter crédit… … Wikipédia en Français