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Supermodular — In mathematics, a function:fcolon R^k o Ris supermodular if:f(x lor y) + f(x land y) geq f(x) + f(y)for all x , y isin R k , where x vee y denotes the componentwise maximum and x wedge y the componentwise minimum of x and y .If − f is… … Wikipedia
Ordinal optimization — In mathematical optimization, ordinal optimization is the maximization of functions taking values in a partially ordered set ( poset ). Ordinal optimization has applications in the theory of queuing networks. Contents 1 Mathematical foundations 1 … Wikipedia
Cooperative game — This article is about a part of game theory. For video gaming, see Cooperative gameplay. For the similar feature in some board games, see cooperative board game In game theory, a cooperative game is a game where groups of players ( coalitions )… … Wikipedia
Comparative statics — In this graph, comparative statics shows an increase in demand causing a rise in price and quantity. Comparing two equilibrium states, comparative statics doesn t describe how the increases actually occur. In economics, comparative statics is the … Wikipedia
Аддитивные сет-функции и меры — Сет функция действительная числовая функция , определенная на множестве всех подмножеств некоторого произвольного конечного множества измеримого пространства и принимающая свои значения на числовой оси . Аддитивная сет функция … … Википедия
supermodular — adjective having the property that for all x, y R, where x y denotes the componentwise maximum and x y the componentwise minimum of x and y. Ant: submodular See Also: supermodularity … Wiktionary