- valvoplasty
Plastic surgery to repair a valve, such as a heart valve or venous valve.
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Wikipedia foundation.
valvoplasty — Surgical reconstruction of a deformed cardiac valve, for the relief of stenosis or incompetence. SYN: valvuloplasty. [valve + G. plastos, formed] * * * n. the surgical reconstruction of a heart valve affected by stenosis or incompetence … Medical dictionary
valvoplasty — n.; see valvuloplasty … The new mediacal dictionary
valvuloplasty — valvoplasty; n. therapeutic dilatation of a narrowed heart valve. This used to be done by open heart surgery, but is now performed using balloon catheters threaded into the heart via the venous or arterial system (balloon valvuloplasty). It is… … The new mediacal dictionary
valvuloplasty — SYN: valvoplasty. * * * val·vu·lo·plas·ty val vyə lō .plas tē n, pl ties plastic surgery performed on a heart valve * * * see valvoplasty * * * val·vu·lo·plas·ty (valґvu lo plas″te) plastic repair of a cardiac or venous valve.… … Medical dictionary
valvuloplasty — noun Plastic surgery to repair a valve, such as a heart valve or venous valve. Syn: valvoplasty … Wiktionary