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nonraised — adj. * * * … Universalium
nonraised — adj … Useful english dictionary
herpangina — /herr pan juy neuh, heuhr pan jeuh neuh/, n. Pathol. an infectious disease, esp. of children, characterized by a sudden occurrence of fever, loss of appetite, and throat ulcerations, caused by a Coxsackie virus. [HERP(ES) + ANGINA] * * * ▪… … Universalium
petechia — /pi tee kee euh, tek ee euh/, n., pl. petechiae / tee kee ee , tek ee ee /. Pathol. a minute, round, nonraised hemorrhage in the skin or in a mucous or serous membrane. [1575 85; < NL < It petecchia (in pl.) rash, spots on skin < VL *(im)peticula … Universalium
petechial — adjective characterised by, pertaining to, or resembling petechiae (small, nonraised haemorrhages on the skin) Chap. VIII. Of putrid, malignant, petechial Fevers … Wiktionary
petechia — pe·te·chia pə tē kē ə n, pl chi·ae kē .ī a minute reddish or purplish spot containing blood that appears in skin or mucous membrane as a result of localized hemorrhage * * * pe·te·chia (pə teґke ə) pl. peteґchiae [L.] a pinpoint,… … Medical dictionary
petechia — pe•te•chi•a [[t]pɪˈti ki ə, ˈtɛk i ə[/t]] n. pl. te•chi•ae [[t] ˈti kiˌi, ˈtɛk iˌi[/t]] pat a minute, round, nonraised hemorrhage in the skin or in a mucous or serous membrane • Etymology: 1575–85; < NL < It petecchia (in pl.) rash, spots… … From formal English to slang