- experiencer
a) A person who experiences.
The subjects of the intransitive verbs "fall" and "burn" are experiencers.
Wikipedia foundation.
The subjects of the intransitive verbs "fall" and "burn" are experiencers.
Wikipedia foundation.
Experiencer — Ex*pe ri*en*cer ( en s?r), n. 1. One who experiences. [1913 Webster] 2. An experimenter. [Obs.] Sir. K. Digby. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Experiencer — Unter einem Experiencer (von engl. to experience „erfahren, erleben, erleiden“) versteht man in der Linguistik einen Handlungsteilnehmer innerhalb eines Satzes, der das Ereignis, das durch die Handlung bezeichnet wird, wahrnimmt bzw. empfindet, z … Deutsch Wikipedia
experiencer — sə(r) noun ( s) : one that experiences signs or symbols calling for one response or another on the part of the experiencer E.M.Bartlett … Useful english dictionary
experiencer — /ik spear ee euhn seuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that experiences. 2. (in case grammar) the semantic role of a noun phrase that indicates the perceiver of the action or state of affairs specified by the verb, as the boy in The boy was warm or in … Universalium
experiencer — ex·pe·ri·enc·er … English syllables
experiencer — /ek spɪəriənsə/ noun in the VALS lifestyle classification system, a young person who likes new and unusual things and spends a lot of money on hobbies and socialising … Marketing dictionary in english
Narrative of the abduction phenomenon — The narrative of the abduction phenomenon is an alleged core of similarity in contents and chronology underlying various claims of forced temporary abduction of humans by apparently otherworldly beings. Proponents of the abduction phenomenon… … Wikipedia
Abduction phenomenon — The term abduction phenomenon describes claims of non human creatures kidnapping individuals and temporarily removing them from familiar terrestrial surroundings. People alleged to have been abducted are called abductees or experiencers. The… … Wikipedia
Milewski's typology — Milewski’s typology is a language classification system proposed in the 1960s by the Polish linguist Tadeusz Milewski. In this classification active and tripartite languages were omitted because they were little known at that time. Milewski… … Wikipedia
Nuxálk language — Nuxálk Bella Coola Spoken in Canada Region Bella Coola area, Central Coast region, British Columbia Native speakers 20 … Wikipedia