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mixotrophic — (mik so trof ik) Refers to microorganisms that combine autotrophic and heterotrophic metabolic processes (they use inorganic electron sources and organic carbon sources) … Dictionary of microbiology
mixotrophic — mixo·tro·phic (mik″so troґfik) having the nutritional characters of both animals and plants … Medical dictionary
mixotrophic — mixo·troph·ic … English syllables
mixotrophic — |miksə|träfik, trōf adjective Etymology: mixo + trophic : deriving nourishment from both autotrophic and heterotrophic mechanisms used especially of symbionts and partial parasites … Useful english dictionary
mixotroph — mixotrophic, adj. /mik seuh trof , trohf /, n. Biol. any organism capable of existing as either an autotroph or heterotroph. [back formation from mixotrophic, equiv. to Gk mixo (see MIXOPLOID) + TROPHIC] * * * … Universalium
mixotroph — mixotrophic, adj. /mik seuh trof , trohf /, n. Biol. any organism capable of existing as either an autotroph or heterotroph. [back formation from mixotrophic, equiv. to Gk mixo (see MIXOPLOID) + TROPHIC] … Useful english dictionary
Nannochloropsis and biofuels — Nannochloropsis viewed under a light microscope photobioreactor ( … Wikipedia
Microbial metabolism — is the means by which a microbe obtains the energy and nutrients (e.g. carbon) it needs to live and reproduce. Microbes use many different types of metabolic strategies and species can often be differentiated from each other based on metabolic… … Wikipedia
Mixotroph — A mixotroph is a microorganism that can use a mix of different sources of energy and carbon. Possible are alternations between photo and chemotrophy, between litho and organotrophy, between auto and heterotrophy or a combination of it. Mixotrophs … Wikipedia
protozoan — /proh teuh zoh euhn/, n., pl. protozoans, (esp. collectively) protozoa / zoh euh/, adj. Biol. n. 1. any of a diverse group of eukaryotes, of the kingdom Protista, that are primarily unicellular, existing singly or aggregating into colonies, are… … Universalium